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Talent Acquisition and RPO

Creating Cost Efficiency & Calculating True Cost-Per-Hire

In previous articles in this series, we’ve discussed unburdening HR, flexibility, ease of implementation, and time efficiencies gained through technology as valid cases for Recruitment Process..

Talent Acquisition and RPO

HR & RPO: A Perfect Match

Human resource managers are often under-appreciated within many organizations, especially in today’s environment. Charged with strategic initiatives such as cultural alignment, onboarding,..

Talent Acquisition and RPO

RPO Implementation & Misconceptions: How Does It Really Work?

You want to evolve your recruiting, and you need to hire people now. You’re considering Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) as an option, but how long will it take to onboard an RPO partner? Will..

Talent Acquisition and RPO

What is RPO, and why now?

With the ups and downs of the labor market and the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, your recruiting efforts have likely been impacted. Perhaps you had to downsize your internal team and pivot to..

Trends / Thought Leadership

AI & Mobile Technology: Your Recruiting Secret Weapons

If 2020 has taught us anything thus far, it’s that we have to be willing and able to adapt as both individuals and organizations, and the use of technology is at the forefront of this evolution.

Talent Acquisition and RPO

Rethink Your Recruiting: Variable Costs vs. Fixed Costs

Higher temporary unemployment and better talent availability aren’t translating into easier or less expensive recruiting. As we’ve touched on in a recent post, getting former employees back, even..

Talent Acquisition and RPO

5 Steps to a Successful Virtual Hiring Event

We know the spread of COVID-19 continues to have a profound and evolving impact on the way we work and live, and as companies look to re-populate their workforces, recruitment and hiring processes..

Talent Acquisition and RPO

What If My Employees Don't Want to Come Back?

Despite the uncertainty of the current landscape, you’re feeling cautiously optimistic about bringing your employees back to work for business operations. States are gradually getting back to..

Talent Acquisition and RPO

The COVID-Era Paradox: Recruitment & Hiring

Whether your company has seen significant or minimal impact to your operations from the coronavirus pandemic, the hiring dynamic is rapidly changing amidst stay-at-home orders, layoffs and..

Recruiting Brief
Recruiting Brief